"Public spaces in post-pandemic period" - Kateryna Pylypchuk, FIABCI-Ukraine expert
"Post-pandemic transformation should firstly include the creation of the health safety measures for the public spaces." - said Kateryna Pylypchuk - FIABCI International Board member and FIABCI-Ukraine executive director in one of the comments to the questions of FIABCI-Georgiaeorgia on the possible global trends on transformation of the public spaces in post-pandemic period.
We make the repost of this comment as a quote.
"The pandemics which we face now as a “black swan” of this century, can repeat in the future and it can be the normal thing to live while the pandemics for the whole planet. Your question about Public spaces is very important, as it is connected with the public health and health security system, which should be implemented on the level of government in each country (only in this case the pandemics will not repeat often).
First, what should be made, on my personal opinion, in each country or even on the global bases by WHO,
- The electronic biometric database should be added with the tests results on the COVID19 and other virus types of each person which allows to access to the public spaces, to buy online the tickets, to travel, to enter the hotels, cinemas, theaters, shopping malls etc. The tests should be made not later than 2 weeks before such an access or there should be proven security level of contacts with others who had also the tests with no viruses. For this issue, should be made:
- The system of the delivery of the tests to people
- The distant electronic tests results fixation
- Not to make the tests every two weeks - it can be voluntary system of contacts fixation using the smart phone apps (scanning of the at code of the person who is near you today) .
Secondly, what should be made by the state - is the demand of the “health security” barriers at the entrance of each public space, building, area, which will make the temperature measuring at the entrance and scanning the electronic ID, which should include the test data.
As a temporary solutions, which can be provided by the entrepreneurs (not in the government level, but as an added value service) - can be transforming public spaces, co-workings, sport-clubs, which can have for the period of quarantine- the isolated areas for those who want to proceed their sport trainings, to work having the isolated working space, probably at the same time there can be used movable transparent walls, or made from special materials to keep a social distancing and make people comfortable.
Let’s say, that we will have a 6-8 months of the quarantine and other time the people will be allowed to go out. Psychologically while the period of quarantine people will choose the safety: isolation, protection, but they still will lack communication and interaction not only by online meetings, but physically. As added value solutions for those who uses public spaces for leisure, some of them can be changed in a specific way, of creation of the simulation using the virtual reality for those who will wear the VR glasses (for example you start ride the bicycle and you will see your friends just near you who will ride the bicycle in another place, but you will see him around wearing the virtual reality glasses. In this case people will have a special entertainment areas, where they can be alone, but at the same time with their friends, who can use the same technology to be present with the other person , but virtually.
- Buying the room only allowed to those who is in a database of the tested and healthy people.
- Temperature check at the entrance of each visitor
- Special safety protection kits in every room for guests
- Antiseptic as a must in a bathroom for the hygienic as a standard
- Special inside architecture solutions for the communication with guests to protect them from any viruses influence, if any
- Health security alert protocols for the general safety of the hotel guests and staff
Cinemas and Theaters:
- Social distancing in the auditorium (the places should be not less than 1,5 m one from each other)
- Or special equipment for separation of breathing and gloves or invention of the special instant covering of the hands by spray which lasts for 2-3 hours to protect from any infection by touch (then there will be no need to make the distance between places)
- Testing of the actors before the show and allow to perform only for those who are healthy.
Shopping malls:
- Online shopping is going to become the new normal and the shopping offline will demand to transform the shopping spaces into logistic warehouse places with the showrooms and social distancing measurments allowing the customers to be safe inside
- Social distancing by creation of the “customer routs” inside of the supermarkets and preparation by the merchandisers of the already measured and weighted packed solutions to make the purchase and choice time less or to make possible for people to “change the rout” (if needed), creating the “lighting system” as on the roads not to cross with other people to avoid any contacts
- Security kits at the entrance (gloves, masks, antiseptic)
- NO CASH in shops - only digital currency
- Only online work
- Cash should be changed into electronic money and taken back from people
- Special bank cash machines, which should take cash from people to avoid any contact with money.
- Banks should not be the public spaces any more. Only personal and individual communication online. In very rare occasions - personal contact (after check in a database).
Schools, universities and kinder-gardens:
- New health security standards for the premises: antiseptic at the entrance of each class room, regular cleaning of the class rooms, using the gloves and masks, or other separation of breathing and touch protection means
- Regular Testing of the health of teachers (the periodical should be estimated by the WHO)
- Regular testing of kids, pupils, students
- Blended education model should be implemented (online and offline classes made for both audiences at the same time - with the same level of efficiency - Change of the way of taking the course by the students should not change anything neither for the students nor for the teachers) If you want me to assume - the life after the pandemics will be not the same we had before it. And it will be needed a lot of inventions for making it safe and pleasant for the humanity! And profitable for the businesses.
P.S. By the way, this is the time for the social entrepreneurship. All mission models will have the possibility to resolve this big issue for the planet and at the same time to make profits for business.
Thank you for sharing my interview!